Customs Area

Import through the Port of Norrkopings (NHAB)

Our permit for temporary storage has the following codes:

BNG – Pampus Terminal (Energigatan 38, S-602 38 Norrköping)

BNT – Öhman Terminalen (Lastaregatan 1, S-602 28 Norrköping)

The code must be stated when imported goods are customs cleared at the port.

The goods may be storaged for a maximum period of 90 days in the Port of Norrkoping facility for temporary storage.

NHAB does not have a permit for customs storage.

Export through the Port of Norrkoping

From October 1, exporters will be able to declare goods for export through Customs’ new export system, AES. The new system consists of three steps:

1. Export customs declaration (IE515)

2. Notification of goods to the exit office (IE507)

3. Notification of goods’ exit (IE590)

Message IE507 must be sent when the goods have arrived at the place of exit.

Port of Norrköping is an approved place for exit

Norrköpings Hamn AB has received approval as an ‘Approved place for exit’ and has been assigned the following location codes:

Pampus Terminal
Address: Energigatan 38, S-602 38 Norrköping
Location identification number: VJ5P

Öhman Terminal
Address: Lastaregatan 1, S-602 38 Norrköping
Location identification number: 40V0 (three digits and one letter)

Energy Port
Address: Hanholmsvägen 117, S-602 38 Norrköping
Identification number: JBDW

Message IE507 ”Notification of goods to export customs office” is not handled by NHAB.

According to information supplied by the Swedish Custums, the codes av valid as of 1 October 2024.
