Simon Helmér, CEO and Maria Björk Hummelgren at the Chamber of Commerce of East Sweden, are responsible for this column. They highlight the importance of visions for our region as an important player in Sweden and the world where the Port of Norrköping is a central transport node on the Baltic Sea.
The proximity to the sea has over the centuries offered access to both food and transport. We see no signs that the future will be any different. Almost half of Swedes live by the coast and in our region it is highly present and significant in the growth path from Östergötland through Sörmland towards the capital.
Like other large ports, Norrköping is a hub for transport and trade. Together with the European roads, the airport, the Southern main line and the approaching Ostlänken, the port forms the foundation for Norrköping as a logistical stronghold. It provides opportunities for large companies to remain, produces unique products and act as important employers and growth engines in our region. Holmen gets its wood products out, Stadium its deliveries and Siemens Energy ships its enormous turbine solutions out into the world. To mention a few. Without the port with its fantastic balance of trade, our region would not have the same attractiveness and value for these and other companies.
Soon it will be time for the Almedal Week in Visby. For the second year in a row, we at the East Swedish Chamber of Commerce are making common cause with our colleagues at the South Swedish Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the West Swedish Chamber of Commerce, and the Chamber of Commerce in Jönköping County with an arena for southern Sweden’s business life. There we focus on the issues that are important to our member companies – on a national platform. Last year, the ports of Norrköping, Oxelösund and Visby were at the centre of our stage when the role of shipping in regional development was highlighted. This year we are concentrating a lot on sustainable development in the form of energy and skills supply, the challenges and opportunities of the forest and the importance of infrastructure for the Swedish transition.
The other day, we met with four chambers of commerce, infrastructure minister Andreas Carlsson and specifically highlighted the importance of sustainable transport and smart logistics solutions as one of the key factors for Sweden’s and the Nordic countries continued green growth and competitiveness. Electrification together with more climate-friendly fuels creates opportunities but also places demands on both companies and decision-makers. Legislation needs to be adapted so that it creates long-term conditions – not putting sticks in the ever-faster rolling wheels. Otherwise, there is a risk that Sweden will lose momentum in a race in which we previously had the lead jersey. That must not happen.
On the part of the Chamber of Commerce, we want to highlight the importance of visions for our region as an important player in Sweden and the world. Shipping has a special position in the transport system and trade. The proximity to the sea is as much a part of the proud history of trade and the Chamber of Commerce as it is important for our future. With a growing Eastern Europe, the port of Norrköping is also growing as a central transport node on the Baltic Sea. It will play a decisive role in a sustainable future. We look forward to continued cooperation in pushing that work forward.
Simon Helmér, CEO
Maria Björk Hummelgren, näringspolitisk chef
The Chamber of Commerce of East Sweden
The guest column is a commenting text and the columnists are responsible for analysis and taking a position in the text.