Net zero is on everyone’s lips, but how do we get there? Collaborating and participating in projects that work towards the common goal is our way of tackling the task. Sustainable Flow is an EU project developing a digital tool, specifically for monitoring in ports, that supports CO2 reduction and energy-saving measures. The tool will be open and available for use by other organizations even after the project ends.
Through strong cross-border cooperation, the ports serving as hubs for the maritime sector in the central Baltic region will have the ability and capacity to become smarter, greener, more cost-effective, interoperable, sustainable, accessible, safer, and more secure by the end of the project in 2026.
Seven pilot ports in the central Baltic Sea region are involved: Norrköping Port and Oxelösund Port participate through the Transport Companies and the Swedish Ports, together with the Swedish Maritime Administration, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences – SAMK, the University of Åland, the International Transport Development Association, Tallinn Technical University, and Fintraffic ANS.
– Undoubtedly, there are a thousand possibilities, but for us, it is important to also highlight the customer benefit in a project like this, says Magnus Grimhed, Marketing and Sales Manager, Norrköping Port, about his participation in one of the project’s workshops held in Norrköping.
Read more about the project:
Sustainable Flow – Transportföretagen (transportforetagen.se)
Sustainable Flow (sjofartsverket.se)
Sustainable Flow – Maritime Logistics Research Center (merilogistiikka.fi)